The birth of a star - Hubble Telescope

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Once each second, somewhere in the universe, a star explodes. But in our rather ordinary sized home galaxy this spectacular event that we call a supernova, can be witnessed barely once each century - if we’re lucky! Now, it isn’t that the stars in our Milky Way are somehow spared their fate; no, it is simply that creation is so unimaginably vast, and galaxies like our own so nearly innumerable that even though the chances of any star exploding in any year are, quite literally one in a trillion, the heavens are nevertheless popping like veritable popcorn !

The truly amazing thing about the shocking scale and violence of a supernova is that the processes that so inevitably bring forth life - and ultimately conscious beings like ourselves - must first be preceded by the death of a star. For it is only there, during the last few crashing moments of destruction, that the heavier elements necessary to form the molecules of life itself are ever created.

The poetic expression "We are the stuff of stars" is very literally true. The material that our earth and our selves are made from is in fact the explosive remnants from, perhaps many, long-long expired suns.

This is an amazing thought to ponder, to be sure. But what rises as even more staggering is that the very same Nature that first arranged the processes that turned stars into the raw materials of life, has then gone on to spawn life itself in heavenly abundance and variation, and ultimately to Father conscious thought, and yes even the very genius to both examine and to understand the nature of Nature itself. But, even more precious and divine, the processes of our universe have gone still further to procreate the two pinnacles of human nature - love and, I think, music.

And so.... what has all this philosophical musing to do with audio equipment?

Simply this: that the very best audio gear combines the elements created by Nature with our most thoughtful science and engineering in a effort to recreate those magical, wonderful musical performances that touch our hearts.

So, the horrendous cataclysms of ancient stars are transformed, though it has taken many eons, into a fleeting wave of goosebumps.... or maybe a secretly shed tear......
Or into the voice of a beloved musician who has since left this earth...
Whenever we the touch of a our livingrooms.

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