(in the order they were received) |
Good timing is good music sounds as it should and the Meadowlark’s song is soothing to hear Bad timing is bad Timeliness, is a flight caught, an appointment kept, a moment preserved. Timing is the delicate and crucial balancing act between arriving so early that you get seated at the wrong table and never get the chance to speak with the person who was the whole reason why you came or arriving so late that the door is closed and the lights turned off. timing is following the pulse of the moment whether it be Coltrane and Jones on a counterpointed ascent or Rachmaninov's piano for elephants loss of a single breath pause or nuance...wouldebelikeanylanguagewithoutpunctuation...nearly meaningless
If timing is everthing then everything is timing.
Listening to a loudspeaker that isn’t time aligned is like looking at yourself in a carnival mirror the top is distorted, the midrange is bloated, and the bottom-end is grotesque. A time-aligned loudspeaker puts everything in a natural perspective, making it easy to check your hair, straighten your jacket and pull the lint off of your pant leg. Sure, you could probably find a more flattering loudspeaker, but wouldn’t you rather be loved for who you are? "Good timing is Good - Bad timing is Bad" Life is often unpredictable. In life, timing is everything. When you are at the right place at the right time, life is full of excitement and filled with joy. Most will never forget the excitement of their 1st date, learning to drive, getting married, and the birth of a child. Music should be more predictable. In life as in music, good timing creates excitement and joy. Unlike life, musical timing can and should be predictable. Listening to music should clearly be considered a good time. Why not make these good times through assuring the timing of your music is accurate. .....good timing makes for good times